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First push commit

lilian 1 year ago
16 changed files with 1529 additions and 0 deletions
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  7. BIN
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+ 5
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OCR_model/.gitignore View File

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# Ignore everything in this directory
# Except this file and wordCharList.txt

+ 32
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## OCR_paper_form 0.1
# An application to automatically extract handwritten informations from paper forms

March 2023

Only available in french - developped as root application for La Gemme organisation.

Runs on Python3 with Linux (developped on Python3.8, should run with older versions and on Windows)
Needs Scipy, Matplotlib, Numpy, TensorFlow libraries.

## Comment utiliser l'application

Extrayez le dossier dans un répertoire dédié - elle fonctionne sans installation particulière, mis à part les librairies. Il s'appuie sur une analyse d'un modèle pré-enregistré pour extratire des données.

C'est un logiciel terminal, l'interface graphique est inexistante.

Lancez le logiciel avec python3, vous amenant vers un menu.

Pour extraire des données, il faut d'abord se baser sur un modèle, qu'il faut construire (menu 2). Pour ce faire:
- choisissez une image en PNG issue d'un formulaire papier vierge, ou d'un formulaire PDF exporté en PNG. Essayez d'avoir une image complète dont le nombre de pixels est équivalent à ceux des formulaires que vous serez amenés à scanner.
- placez différents rectangles en fonction des informations demandées : case à écrire, ligne allant jusqu'à la fin de l'image, case à cocher (multiples ou exclusives), puis sélectionner les coins en haut à gauche et en bas à droite de votre rectangle en cliquant sur l'image qui s'affiche (veillez à ne pas cliquer sur l'extérieur de l'image) ; si vous sélectionnez des cases à cocher, cliquez bien sur chaque coin haut-gauche et bas-droit de chaque case, la fenêtre se fermera automatiquement après.
- répétez l'opération pour chaque information. Une fois terminé, le modèle sera automatiquement enregistré

Vous pouvez modifier le modèle (pas encore implémenté)

Une fois le modèle utilisable et complet, enregistré, vous pouvez analyser les images PNG scannées, pléalablement placées dans le dossier "scanned" du logiciel. Sélectionnez le menu 1 et le formulaire correspondant (la détection autonmatique ou par type de document n'est pas encore implémentée). La détection est automatique sur tous les champs, et vise à extraire les données manuscrites pour chaque champ, pour chaque image scannée.
(non encore codé -> ) Une fois les données extraites, une vérification visuelle est nécessaire avec une comparaison entre la fraction de l'image extraite contenant les données, et la transcription. La reconnaissance étant faite grâce à un corpus en anglais, sans caractères spéciaux comme le "@" et sans accents, il y aura nécessairement quelques erreurs. Une fois les transcriptions corrigées, et pour chaque fichier, on pourra les enregistrer dans un fichier, afin de les intégrer à une autre base de données par exemple.

## Technologie

Le traitement du signal est assez basique, la reconnaissance de caractère est basée sur un projet sur GitHub, SimpleHTR, à cette adresse : Ce projet a été modifié pour être incorporé dans le projet, et intervient plus comme un module plutôt qu'une intégration propre.

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bin/ View File

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import argparse
import pickle

import cv2
import lmdb
from path import Path

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--data_dir', type=Path, required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()

# 2GB is enough for IAM dataset
assert not (args.data_dir / 'lmdb').exists()
env = / 'lmdb'), map_size=1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 2)

# go over all png files
fn_imgs = list((args.data_dir / 'img').walkfiles('*.png'))

# and put the imgs into lmdb as pickled grayscale imgs
with env.begin(write=True) as txn:
for i, fn_img in enumerate(fn_imgs):
print(i, len(fn_imgs))
img = cv2.imread(fn_img, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
basename = fn_img.basename()
txn.put(basename.encode("ascii"), pickle.dumps(img))


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bin/ View File

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import pickle
import random
from collections import namedtuple

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import lmdb
import numpy as np

Sample = namedtuple("Sample", "gt_text, file_path")
Batch = namedtuple("Batch", "imgs, gt_texts, batch_size")

class DataLoaderIAM:
Loads data which corresponds to IAM format,

def __init__(self,
data_split = 0.95,
fast = True):
"""Loader for dataset."""

assert data_dir.exists() = fast
if fast:
self.env = / "lmdb"), readonly=True)

self.data_augmentation = False
self.curr_idx = 0
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.samples = []

f = open(data_dir / "gt/words.txt")
chars = set()
bad_samples_reference = ["a01-117-05-02", "r06-022-03-05"] # known broken images in IAM dataset
for line in f:
# ignore empty and comment lines
line = line.strip()
if not line or line[0] == "#":

line_split = line.split(" ")
assert len(line_split) >= 9

# filename: part1-part2-part3 --> part1/part1-part2/part1-part2-part3.png
file_name_split = line_split[0].split("-")
file_name_subdir1 = file_name_split[0]
file_name_subdir2 = "{file_name_split[0]}-{file_name_split[1]}"
file_base_name = line_split[0] + ".png"
file_name = data_dir / "img" / file_name_subdir1 / file_name_subdir2 / file_base_name

if line_split[0] in bad_samples_reference:
print("Ignoring known broken image:", file_name)

# GT text are columns starting at 9
gt_text = " ".join(line_split[8:])
chars = chars.union(set(list(gt_text)))

# put sample into list
self.samples.append(Sample(gt_text, file_name))

# split into training and validation set: 95% - 5%
split_idx = int(data_split * len(self.samples))
self.train_samples = self.samples[:split_idx]
self.validation_samples = self.samples[split_idx:]

# put words into lists
self.train_words = [x.gt_text for x in self.train_samples]
self.validation_words = [x.gt_text for x in self.validation_samples]

# start with train set

# list of all chars in dataset
self.char_list = sorted(list(chars))

def train_set(self):
"""Switch to randomly chosen subset of training set."""
self.data_augmentation = True
self.curr_idx = 0
self.samples = self.train_samples
self.curr_set = "train"

def validation_set(self):
"""Switch to validation set."""
self.data_augmentation = False
self.curr_idx = 0
self.samples = self.validation_samples
self.curr_set = "val"

def get_iterator_info(self):
"""Current batch index and overall number of batches."""
if self.curr_set == "train":
num_batches = int(np.floor(len(self.samples) / self.batch_size)) # train set: only full-sized batches
num_batches = int(np.ceil(len(self.samples) / self.batch_size)) # val set: allow last batch to be smaller
curr_batch = self.curr_idx // self.batch_size + 1
return curr_batch, num_batches

def has_next(self):
"""Is there a next element?"""
if self.curr_set == "train":
return self.curr_idx + self.batch_size <= len(self.samples) # train set: only full-sized batches
return self.curr_idx < len(self.samples) # val set: allow last batch to be smaller

def _get_img(self, i):
with self.env.begin() as txn:
basename = Path(self.samples[i].file_path).basename()
data = txn.get(basename.encode("ascii"))
img = pickle.loads(data)
img = plt.imread(self.samples[i].file_path)
img = (img[:,:,0]+img[:,:,1]+img[:,:,2])*255//3

return img

def get_next(self):
"""Get next element."""
batch_range = range(self.curr_idx, min(self.curr_idx + self.batch_size, len(self.samples)))

imgs = [self._get_img(i) for i in batch_range]
gt_texts = [self.samples[i].gt_text for i in batch_range]

self.curr_idx += self.batch_size
return Batch(imgs, gt_texts, len(imgs))

+ 313
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bin/ View File

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import os
import sys
from typing import List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from bin.OCR_dataloader_iam import Batch

# Disable eager mode

class DecoderType:
"""CTC decoder types."""
BestPath = 0
BeamSearch = 1
WordBeamSearch = 2

class Model:
"""Minimalistic TF model for HTR."""

def __init__(self,
char_list: List[str],
decoder_type: str = DecoderType.BestPath,
must_restore: bool = False,
dump: bool = False) -> None:
"""Init model: add CNN, RNN and CTC and initialize TF."""
self.dump = dump
self.char_list = char_list
self.decoder_type = decoder_type
self.must_restore = must_restore
self.snap_ID = 0
self.FileNames = FileNames

# Whether to use normalization over a batch or a population
self.is_train = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.bool, name='is_train')

# input image batch
self.input_imgs = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, None, None))

# setup CNN, RNN and CTC

# setup optimizer to train NN
self.batches_trained = 0
self.update_ops = tf.compat.v1.get_collection(tf.compat.v1.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
with tf.control_dependencies(self.update_ops):
self.optimizer = tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(self.loss)

#add less verbosity

# initialize TF
self.sess, self.saver = self.setup_tf()

def setup_cnn(self) -> None:
"""Create CNN layers."""
cnn_in4d = tf.expand_dims(input=self.input_imgs, axis=3)

# list of parameters for the layers
kernel_vals = [5, 5, 3, 3, 3]
feature_vals = [1, 32, 64, 128, 128, 256]
stride_vals = pool_vals = [(2, 2), (2, 2), (1, 2), (1, 2), (1, 2)]
num_layers = len(stride_vals)

# create layers
pool = cnn_in4d # input to first CNN layer
for i in range(num_layers):
kernel = tf.Variable(
tf.random.truncated_normal([kernel_vals[i], kernel_vals[i], feature_vals[i], feature_vals[i + 1]],
conv = tf.nn.conv2d(input=pool, filters=kernel, padding='SAME', strides=(1, 1, 1, 1))
conv_norm = tf.compat.v1.layers.batch_normalization(conv, training=self.is_train)
relu = tf.nn.relu(conv_norm)
pool = tf.nn.max_pool2d(input=relu, ksize=(1, pool_vals[i][0], pool_vals[i][1], 1),
strides=(1, stride_vals[i][0], stride_vals[i][1], 1), padding='VALID')

self.cnn_out_4d = pool

def setup_rnn(self) -> None:
"""Create RNN layers."""
rnn_in3d = tf.squeeze(self.cnn_out_4d, axis=[2])

# basic cells which is used to build RNN
num_hidden = 256
cells = [tf.compat.v1.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(num_units=num_hidden, state_is_tuple=True) for _ in
range(2)] # 2 layers

# stack basic cells
stacked = tf.compat.v1.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell(cells, state_is_tuple=True)

# bidirectional RNN
# BxTxF -> BxTx2H
(fw, bw), _ = tf.compat.v1.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(cell_fw=stacked, cell_bw=stacked, inputs=rnn_in3d,

# BxTxH + BxTxH -> BxTx2H -> BxTx1X2H
concat = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat([fw, bw], 2), 2)

# project output to chars (including blank): BxTx1x2H -> BxTx1xC -> BxTxC
kernel = tf.Variable(tf.random.truncated_normal([1, 1, num_hidden * 2, len(self.char_list) + 1], stddev=0.1))
self.rnn_out_3d = tf.squeeze(tf.nn.atrous_conv2d(value=concat, filters=kernel, rate=1, padding='SAME'),

def setup_ctc(self) -> None:
"""Create CTC loss and decoder."""
# BxTxC -> TxBxC
self.ctc_in_3d_tbc = tf.transpose(a=self.rnn_out_3d, perm=[1, 0, 2])
# ground truth text as sparse tensor
self.gt_texts = tf.SparseTensor(tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=[None, 2]),
tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.int32, [None]),
tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.int64, [2]))

# calc loss for batch
self.seq_len = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.int32, [None])
self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(
input_tensor=tf.compat.v1.nn.ctc_loss(labels=self.gt_texts, inputs=self.ctc_in_3d_tbc,

# calc loss for each element to compute label probability
self.saved_ctc_input = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32,
shape=[None, None, len(self.char_list) + 1])
self.loss_per_element = tf.compat.v1.nn.ctc_loss(labels=self.gt_texts, inputs=self.saved_ctc_input,
sequence_length=self.seq_len, ctc_merge_repeated=True)

# best path decoding or beam search decoding
if self.decoder_type == DecoderType.BestPath:
self.decoder = tf.nn.ctc_greedy_decoder(inputs=self.ctc_in_3d_tbc, sequence_length=self.seq_len)
elif self.decoder_type == DecoderType.BeamSearch:
self.decoder = tf.nn.ctc_beam_search_decoder(inputs=self.ctc_in_3d_tbc, sequence_length=self.seq_len,
# word beam search decoding (see
elif self.decoder_type == DecoderType.WordBeamSearch:
# prepare information about language (dictionary, characters in dataset, characters forming words)
chars = ''.join(self.char_list)
word_chars = open('../model/wordCharList.txt').read().splitlines()[0]
corpus = open('../data/corpus.txt').read()

# decode using the "Words" mode of word beam search
from word_beam_search import WordBeamSearch
self.decoder = WordBeamSearch(50, 'Words', 0.0, corpus.encode('utf8'), chars.encode('utf8'),

# the input to the decoder must have softmax already applied
self.wbs_input = tf.nn.softmax(self.ctc_in_3d_tbc, axis=2)

def setup_tf(self) -> Tuple[tf.compat.v1.Session, tf.compat.v1.train.Saver]:
"""Initialize TF."""
#print('Python: ' + sys.version)
#print('Tensorflow: ' + tf.__version__)

sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() # TF session

saver = tf.compat.v1.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1) # saver saves model to file
model_dir = self.FileNames.fn_model_path
latest_snapshot = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_dir) # is there a saved model?

# if model must be restored (for inference), there must be a snapshot
if self.must_restore and not latest_snapshot:
raise Exception('No saved model found in: ' + model_dir)

# load saved model if available
if latest_snapshot:
#print('Init with stored values from ' + latest_snapshot)
saver.restore(sess, latest_snapshot)
#print('Init with new values')

return sess, saver

def to_sparse(self, texts: List[str]) -> Tuple[List[List[int]], List[int], List[int]]:
"""Put ground truth texts into sparse tensor for ctc_loss."""
indices = []
values = []
shape = [len(texts), 0] # last entry must be max(labelList[i])

# go over all texts
for batchElement, text in enumerate(texts):
# convert to string of label (i.e. class-ids)
label_str = [self.char_list.index(c) for c in text]
# sparse tensor must have size of max. label-string
if len(label_str) > shape[1]:
shape[1] = len(label_str)
# put each label into sparse tensor
for i, label in enumerate(label_str):
indices.append([batchElement, i])

return indices, values, shape

def decoder_output_to_text(self, ctc_output: tuple, batch_size: int) -> List[str]:
"""Extract texts from output of CTC decoder."""

# word beam search: already contains label strings
if self.decoder_type == DecoderType.WordBeamSearch:
label_strs = ctc_output

# TF decoders: label strings are contained in sparse tensor
# ctc returns tuple, first element is SparseTensor
decoded = ctc_output[0][0]

# contains string of labels for each batch element
label_strs = [[] for _ in range(batch_size)]

# go over all indices and save mapping: batch -> values
for (idx, idx2d) in enumerate(decoded.indices):
label = decoded.values[idx]
batch_element = idx2d[0] # index according to [b,t]

# map labels to chars for all batch elements
return [''.join([self.char_list[c] for c in labelStr]) for labelStr in label_strs]

def train_batch(self, batch: Batch) -> float:
"""Feed a batch into the NN to train it."""
num_batch_elements = len(batch.imgs)
max_text_len = batch.imgs[0].shape[0] // 4
sparse = self.to_sparse(batch.gt_texts)
eval_list = [self.optimizer, self.loss]
feed_dict = {self.input_imgs: batch.imgs, self.gt_texts: sparse,
self.seq_len: [max_text_len] * num_batch_elements, self.is_train: True}
_, loss_val =, feed_dict)
self.batches_trained += 1
return loss_val

def dump_nn_output(rnn_output: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Dump the output of the NN to CSV file(s)."""
dump_dir = self.FileNames.fn_dump_path
if not os.path.isdir(dump_dir):

# iterate over all batch elements and create a CSV file for each one
max_t, max_b, max_c = rnn_output.shape
for b in range(max_b):
csv = ''
for t in range(max_t):
for c in range(max_c):
csv += str(rnn_output[t, b, c]) + ';'
csv += '\n'
fn = dump_dir + 'rnnOutput_' + str(b) + '.csv'
#print('Write dump of NN to file: ' + fn)
with open(fn, 'w') as f:

def infer_batch(self, batch: Batch, calc_probability: bool = False, probability_of_gt: bool = False):
"""Feed a batch into the NN to recognize the texts."""

# decode, optionally save RNN output
num_batch_elements = len(batch.imgs)

# put tensors to be evaluated into list
eval_list = []

if self.decoder_type == DecoderType.WordBeamSearch:

if self.dump or calc_probability:

# sequence length depends on input image size (model downsizes width by 4)
max_text_len = batch.imgs[0].shape[0] // 4

# dict containing all tensor fed into the model
feed_dict = {self.input_imgs: batch.imgs, self.seq_len: [max_text_len] * num_batch_elements,
self.is_train: False}

# evaluate model
eval_res =, feed_dict)

# TF decoders: decoding already done in TF graph
if self.decoder_type != DecoderType.WordBeamSearch:
decoded = eval_res[0]
# word beam search decoder: decoding is done in C++ function compute()
decoded = self.decoder.compute(eval_res[0])

# map labels (numbers) to character string
texts = self.decoder_output_to_text(decoded, num_batch_elements)

# feed RNN output and recognized text into CTC loss to compute labeling probability
probs = None
if calc_probability:
sparse = self.to_sparse(batch.gt_texts) if probability_of_gt else self.to_sparse(texts)
ctc_input = eval_res[1]
eval_list = self.loss_per_element
feed_dict = {self.saved_ctc_input: ctc_input, self.gt_texts: sparse,
self.seq_len: [max_text_len] * num_batch_elements, self.is_train: False}
loss_vals =, feed_dict)
probs = np.exp(-loss_vals)

# dump the output of the NN to CSV file(s)
if self.dump:


return texts, probs

def save(self) -> None:
"""Save model to file."""
self.snap_ID += 1, '../model/snapshot', global_step=self.snap_ID)

+ 194
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bin/ View File

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import random
from typing import Tuple

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as scp

from bin.OCR_dataloader_iam import Batch

class Preprocessor:
def __init__(self,
img_size: Tuple[int, int],
padding: int = 0,
dynamic_width: bool = False,
data_augmentation: bool = False,
line_mode: bool = False) -> None:
# dynamic width only supported when no data augmentation happens
assert not (dynamic_width and data_augmentation)
# when padding is on, we need dynamic width enabled
assert not (padding > 0 and not dynamic_width)

self.img_size = img_size
self.padding = padding
self.dynamic_width = dynamic_width
self.data_augmentation = data_augmentation
self.line_mode = line_mode

def _truncate_label(text: str, max_text_len: int) -> str:
Function ctc_loss can't compute loss if it cannot find a mapping between text label and input
labels. Repeat letters cost double because of the blank symbol needing to be inserted.
If a too-long label is provided, ctc_loss returns an infinite gradient.
cost = 0
for i in range(len(text)):
if i != 0 and text[i] == text[i - 1]:
cost += 2
cost += 1
if cost > max_text_len:
return text[:i]
return text

def _simulate_text_line(self, batch: Batch) -> Batch:
"""Create image of a text line by pasting multiple word images into an image."""

default_word_sep = 30
default_num_words = 5

# go over all batch elements
res_imgs = []
res_gt_texts = []
for i in range(batch.batch_size):
# number of words to put into current line
num_words = random.randint(1, 8) if self.data_augmentation else default_num_words

# concat ground truth texts
curr_gt = ' '.join([batch.gt_texts[(i + j) % batch.batch_size] for j in range(num_words)])

# put selected word images into list, compute target image size
sel_imgs = []
word_seps = [0]
h = 0
w = 0
for j in range(num_words):
curr_sel_img = batch.imgs[(i + j) % batch.batch_size]
curr_word_sep = random.randint(20, 50) if self.data_augmentation else default_word_sep
h = max(h, curr_sel_img.shape[0])
w += curr_sel_img.shape[1]
if j + 1 < num_words:
w += curr_word_sep

# put all selected word images into target image
target = np.ones([h, w], np.uint8) * 255
x = 0
for curr_sel_img, curr_word_sep in zip(sel_imgs, word_seps):
x += curr_word_sep
y = (h - curr_sel_img.shape[0]) // 2
target[y:y + curr_sel_img.shape[0]:, x:x + curr_sel_img.shape[1]] = curr_sel_img
x += curr_sel_img.shape[1]

# put image of line into result

return Batch(res_imgs, res_gt_texts, batch.batch_size)

def process_img(self, img: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Resize to target size, apply data augmentation."""

# there are damaged files in IAM dataset - just use black image instead
if img is None:
img = np.zeros(self.img_size[::-1])

# data augmentation
img = img.astype(np.float)
if self.data_augmentation:
# photometric data augmentation
if random.random() < 0.25:
def rand_odd():
return random.randint(1, 3) * 2 + 1
img = scp.gaussian_filter(img, (rand_odd(), rand_odd()), 0) #cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (rand_odd(), rand_odd()), 0)
if random.random() < 0.25:
img = scp.grey_dilation(img, structure=np.ones((3, 3)))
if random.random() < 0.25:
img = scp.grey_erosion(img, structure=np.ones((3, 3)))

# geometric data augmentation
wt, ht = self.img_size[0], self.img_size[1]
h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
f = min(wt / w, ht / h)
fx = f * np.random.uniform(0.75, 1.05)
fy = f * np.random.uniform(0.75, 1.05)

# random position around center
txc = (wt - w * fx) / 2
tyc = (ht - h * fy) / 2
freedom_x = max((wt - fx * w) / 2, 0)
freedom_y = max((ht - fy * h) / 2, 0)
tx = txc + np.random.uniform(-freedom_x, freedom_x)
ty = tyc + np.random.uniform(-freedom_y, freedom_y)

# map image into target image
M = np.float32([[fy, 0, ty], [0, fx, tx], [0,0,1]])
M = np.linalg.inv(M)
target = np.ones(self.img_size[::-1]) * 255
img = scp.affine_transform(img, M, output_shape=self.img_size, output=target, mode="nearest")#, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_TRANSPARENT) #cv2.warpAffine(img, M, dsize=self.img_size, dst=target, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_TRANSPARENT)

# photometric data augmentation
if random.random() < 0.5:
img = img * (0.25 + random.random() * 0.75)
if random.random() < 0.25:
img = np.clip(img + (np.random.random(img.shape) - 0.5) * random.randint(1, 25), 0, 255)
if random.random() < 0.1:
img = 255 - img

# no data augmentation
if self.dynamic_width:
ht = self.img_size[1]
h, w = img.shape
f = ht / h
wt = int(f * w + self.padding)
wt = wt + (4 - wt) % 4
tx = (wt - w * f) / 2
ty = 0
wt, ht = self.img_size[0], self.img_size[1]
h, w = img.shape
f = min(wt / w, ht / h)
tx = (wt - w * f) / 2
ty = (ht - h * f) / 2

# map image into target image
M = np.float32([[f, 0, ty], [0, f, tx], [0,0,1]])
M = np.linalg.inv(M)
target = np.ones([ht, wt]) * 255
img = scp.affine_transform(img, M, output_shape=(ht,wt), output=target, mode="nearest")#, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_TRANSPARENT) #cv2.warpAffine(img, M, dsize=(wt, ht), dst=target, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_TRANSPARENT)

# transpose for TF
img = np.transpose(img)

# convert to range [-1, 1]
img = img / 255 - 0.5
return img

def process_batch(self, batch: Batch) -> Batch:
if self.line_mode:
batch = self._simulate_text_line(batch)

res_imgs = [self.process_img(img) for img in batch.imgs]
max_text_len = res_imgs[0].shape[0] // 4
res_gt_texts = [self._truncate_label(gt_text, max_text_len) for gt_text in batch.gt_texts]
return Batch(res_imgs, res_gt_texts, batch.batch_size)

def main():

img = plt.imread("../data/test.png")
img = img = (img[:,:,0]+img[:,:,1]+img[:,:,2])*255//3
img_aug = Preprocessor((256, 32), data_augmentation=True).process_img(img)
plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(np.transpose(img_aug) + 0.5, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=1)

if __name__ == '__main__':

bin/__pycache__/OCR_dataloader_iam.cpython-38.pyc View File

bin/__pycache__/OCR_model.cpython-38.pyc View File

bin/__pycache__/OCR_preprocessor.cpython-38.pyc View File

bin/__pycache__/caracter_recognition.cpython-38.pyc View File

bin/__pycache__/form_data_places.cpython-38.pyc View File

bin/__pycache__/signal_processing.cpython-38.pyc View File

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bin/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
import json

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from bin.signal_processing import levenshteinDistance

from bin.OCR_dataloader_iam import DataLoaderIAM, Batch
from bin.OCR_model import Model, DecoderType
from bin.OCR_preprocessor import Preprocessor

# class FilePaths:
# """Filenames and paths to data."""
# fn_char_list = '../OCR_model/charList.txt'
# fn_summary = '../OCR_model/summary.json'
# fn_corpus = '../data/corpus.txt'

def get_img_height():
"""Fixed height for NN."""
return 32

def get_img_size(line_mode = False):
"""Height is fixed for NN, width is set according to training mode (single words or text lines)."""
if line_mode:
return 256, get_img_height()
return (128, get_img_height())

def write_summary(char_error_rates, word_accuracies, FileNames):
"""Writes training summary file for NN."""
with open(FileNames.fn_summary, 'w') as f:
json.dump({'charErrorRates': char_error_rates, 'wordAccuracies': word_accuracies}, f)

def char_list_from_file(FileNames):
with open(FileNames.fn_char_list) as f:
liste = list(
if(liste[-1] == "\n"):
return liste[:-1]
return liste

def train(model,
early_stopping = 25):
"""Trains NN."""
epoch = 0 # number of training epochs since start
summary_char_error_rates = []
summary_word_accuracies = []
preprocessor = Preprocessor(get_img_size(line_mode), data_augmentation=True, line_mode=line_mode)
best_char_error_rate = float('inf') # best validation character error rate
no_improvement_since = 0 # number of epochs no improvement of character error rate occurred
# stop training after this number of epochs without improvement
while True:
epoch += 1
print('Epoch:', epoch)

# train
print('Train NN')
while loader.has_next():
iter_info = loader.get_iterator_info()
batch = loader.get_next()
batch = preprocessor.process_batch(batch)
loss = model.train_batch(batch)
print("Epoch: {epoch} Batch: {iter_info[0]}/{iter_info[1]} Loss: {loss}")

# validate
char_error_rate, word_accuracy = validate(model, loader, line_mode)

# write summary
write_summary(summary_char_error_rates, summary_word_accuracies, FileNames)

# if best validation accuracy so far, save model parameters
if char_error_rate < best_char_error_rate:
print('Character error rate improved, save model')
best_char_error_rate = char_error_rate
no_improvement_since = 0
print("Character error rate not improved, best so far: ",char_error_rate * 100.0,"%")
no_improvement_since += 1

# stop training if no more improvement in the last x epochs
if no_improvement_since >= early_stopping:
print("No more improvement since {early_stopping} epochs. Training stopped.")

def validate(model, loader, line_mode):
"""Validates NN."""
print("Validate NN")
preprocessor = Preprocessor(get_img_size(line_mode), line_mode=line_mode)
num_char_err = 0
num_char_total = 0
num_word_ok = 0
num_word_total = 0
while loader.has_next():
iter_info = loader.get_iterator_info()
print("Batch: ",iter_info[0] / iter_info[1])
batch = loader.get_next()
batch = preprocessor.process_batch(batch)
recognized, _ = model.infer_batch(batch)

print("Ground truth -> Recognized")
for i in range(len(recognized)):
num_word_ok += 1 if batch.gt_texts[i] == recognized[i] else 0
num_word_total += 1
dist = levenshteinDistance(recognized[i], batch.gt_texts[i])
num_char_err += dist
num_char_total += len(batch.gt_texts[i])
print('[OK]' if dist == 0 else '[ERR:%d]' % dist, '"' + batch.gt_texts[i] + '"', '->',
'"' + recognized[i] + '"')

# print validation result
char_error_rate = num_char_err / num_char_total
word_accuracy = num_word_ok / num_word_total
print("Character error rate: {char_error_rate * 100.0}%. Word accuracy: {word_accuracy * 100.0}%.")
return (char_error_rate, word_accuracy)

def infer(model, fn_img):
"""Recognizes text in image provided by file path."""
if(type(fn_img) == str):
img = plt.imread(fn_img)
img = (img[:,:,0]+img[:,:,1]+img[:,:,2])*255//3
fn_img = img
assert fn_img is not None

preprocessor = Preprocessor(get_img_size(), dynamic_width=True, padding=16)
img = preprocessor.process_img(fn_img)

batch = Batch([img], None, 1)
recognized, probability = model.infer_batch(batch, True)
return recognized[0]

def ocr_run(FileNames, img_file='../data/word.png', mode="infer", decoder="bestpath", batch_size=100, data_dir=False, fast=False, line_mode=False, early_stopping=25, dump=False):
"""Main function.
parser.add_argument('--mode', choices=['train', 'validate', 'infer'], default='infer')
parser.add_argument('--decoder', choices=['bestpath', 'beamsearch', 'wordbeamsearch'], default='bestpath')
parser.add_argument('--batch_size', help='Batch size.', type=int, default=100)
parser.add_argument('--data_dir', help='Directory containing IAM dataset.', required=False)
parser.add_argument('--fast', help='Load samples from LMDB.', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--line_mode', help='Train to read text lines instead of single words.', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--img_file', help='Image used for inference.', default='../data/word.png')
parser.add_argument('--early_stopping', help='Early stopping epochs.', type=int, default=25)
parser.add_argument('--dump', help='Dump output of NN to CSV file(s).', action='store_true')

# parse arguments and set CTC decoder
decoder_mapping = {'bestpath': DecoderType.BestPath,
'beamsearch': DecoderType.BeamSearch,
'wordbeamsearch': DecoderType.WordBeamSearch}
decoder_type = decoder_mapping[decoder]

# train the model
if mode == 'train':
loader = DataLoaderIAM(data_dir, batch_size, fast=fast)

# when in line mode, take care to have a whitespace in the char list
char_list = loader.char_list
if line_mode and ' ' not in char_list:
char_list = [' '] + char_list

# save characters and words
with open(FileNames.fn_char_list, 'w') as f:

with open(FileNames.fn_corpus, 'w') as f:
f.write(' '.join(loader.train_words + loader.validation_words))

model = Model(char_list, FileNames=FileNames, decoder_type=decoder_type)
train(model, loader, line_mode=line_mode, early_stopping=early_stopping, FileNames = FileNames)

return 0

# evaluate it on the validation set
elif mode == 'validate':
loader = DataLoaderIAM(data_dir, batch_size, fast=fast)
model = Model(char_list_from_file(FileNames), FileNames=FileNames, decoder_type=decoder_type, must_restore=True)
validate(model, loader, line_mode)

return 0

# infer text on test image
elif mode == 'infer':
model = Model(char_list_from_file(FileNames), FileNames=FileNames, decoder_type=decoder_type, must_restore=True, dump=dump)
recognized = infer(model, img_file)
del model
return recognized

if __name__ == '__main__':

+ 295
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bin/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import pickle
import os
import bin.caracter_recognition as ocr

informations_types = ["text_box", "text_begin", "1case", "xcases"]

class Coord():
def __init__(self):
self.x = 0
self.y = 0

def modifier(self, x ,y):

def affine(self, multx, multy, offsetx, offsety):
self.x = int(self.x*multx + offsetx)
self.y = int(self.y*multy + offsety)

def reset(self):

def test_null(self):
if(self.x == None or self.y == None):

class Coord_data():
def __init__(self, name, type): = name
self.type = type
self.content_if_checkbox = []
if(self.type > 1):
self.nb_boxes = 0
while(self.nb_boxes <=0):
self.nb_boxes = int(input("Nombre de cases pouvant etre cochees : "))
for i in range(0,self.nb_boxes):
text = "Intitule case n°" + str(i+1) + " : "
self.content_if_checkbox = str(input(text))
self.nb_boxes = 1 #default = [] #upper left and lower right corners of the boxes, format [[Coord1(), Coord2()],...]
self.temps_coordinates = None

def box_coords_min_max(self):
minx, miny, maxx, maxy =[0][0].x,[0][0].y,[0][1].x,[0][1].y
for subbox in
minx = min(minx, subbox[0].x, subbox[1].x)
miny = min(miny, subbox[0].y, subbox[1].y)
maxx = max(maxx, subbox[0].x, subbox[1].x)
maxy = max(maxy, subbox[0].y, subbox[1].y)
return minx, miny, maxx, maxy

def define_box(self, x1, x2, y1, y2, n=1):
if n > 1:[Coord(), Coord()])
else: = [[Coord(), Coord()]][n-1][0].modifier(x1, y1)[n-1][1].modifier(x2, y2)

def define_box_begin(self, x1, y1, y2):
self.define_box(x1, x1, y1, y2)

def define_ckeck_marks(self, liste, n):
"""liste is a (n,4) list of coordinates, n the number
of boxes"""
for i in range(0,n):
define_box(liste[i][0], liste[i][1], liste[i][2], liste[i][3], i)

def mouse_one_event(self, event):
if(self.temps_coordinates == None): # if only 1 point
self.temps_coordinates = Coord()
self.temps_coordinates.modifier(event.xdata, event.ydata)
self.temps_coordinates.modifier(int(self.temps_coordinates.x), int(self.temps_coordinates.y))
else: #if second point
temp2 = Coord()
temp2.modifier(event.xdata, event.ydata)
x, y = int(temp2.x), int(temp2.y)
if(self.type != 1):
self.define_box(self.temps_coordinates.x, x, self.temps_coordinates.y, y, len(
self.define_box_begin(self.temps_coordinates.x, self.temps_coordinates.y, y)[-1][1].test_null()
self.temps_coordinates = None

def mouse_event(self, event):
if(len( < self.nb_boxes or self.temps_coordinates != None):
if(len( == self.nb_boxes and self.temps_coordinates == None):

class Template_File():

def __init__(self):
self.path_template_img = "" #complete path of the template image
self.template_img = 0 #will be an image after init
self.informations_template_objects = []
self.data_path_dir = ""
self.template_name = ""

def open_files(self, path_template_img, path_template_obj):
self.path_template_img = path_template_img
self.data_path_dir = path_template_obj
self.template_img = plt.imread(path_template_img)
self.template_img = (self.template_img[:,:,0]+self.template_img[:,:,1]+self.template_img[:,:,2])*255//3
infos_object = open(path_template_obj, 'rb')
self.informations_template_objects = pickle.load(infos_object)
self.template_name = path_template_obj[path_template_obj.rfind("/")+1:]

def define_template_img(self):
self.path_template_img = str(input("Chemin complet de l'image PNG du modèle : "))
self.template_img = mpimg.imread(self.path_template_img)
self.template_name = str(input("Nom du template : "))

def add_template_information(self):
fig = plt.figure(num="Emplacement de la donnée")
if(self.informations_template_objects != []):
boxes_lists = self.informations_template_objects
rects = []
for object_data in boxes_lists:
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = object_data.box_coords_min_max()
rect = patches.Rectangle((minx, miny), maxx-minx, maxy-miny, linewidth=1, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none')
plt.text(minx, miny, str(, verticalalignment='top')

information_type = int(input(" 1. Information manuscrite delimitee\n 2. Début d'information manuscrite\n 3. Case exclusive\n 4. Cases à choix multiples\n-> "))
information_type = information_type-1
information_name = str(input("Catégorie de la donnée : "))

self.informations_template_objects.append(Coord_data(information_name, information_type))
mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()

cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self.informations_template_objects[-1].mouse_event)#self.fig
fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(cid) #self.fig
#for i in range(0,self.informations_template_objects[0].nb_boxes):
# print(self.informations_template_objects[0].box[i][0].x, self.informations_template_objects[0].box[i][0].y,
# self.informations_template_objects[0].box[i][1].x, self.informations_template_objects[0].box[i][1].y)

def show_template_boxes(self):
boxes_lists = self.informations_template_objects
fig = plt.figure(num="Emplacement des données")
rects = []
for object_data in boxes_lists:
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = object_data.box_coords_min_max()
rect = patches.Rectangle((minx, miny), maxx-minx, maxy-miny, linewidth=1, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none')
plt.text(minx, miny, str(, verticalalignment='top')

def save_data_file(self, folder_path, file_name, extension):
"""folder_path is the absolute path of the folder"""
file_list = os.listdir(folder_path)
if(file_name+"."+extension in file_list):
answer = str(input("Le fichier "+file_name+extension+" existe déjà. Le remplacer? O/N : "))
if(answer == "O"):
file = open(folder_path+file_name+extension,"wb") #overwrite binary mode
data = [self.informations_template_objects]
pickle.dump(data, file)
print("Fichier non enregistre.\n")
file = open(folder_path+file_name+extension,"wb") #overwrite binary mode
data = self.informations_template_objects
pickle.dump(data, file)

def save_img_template(self, folder_path, file_name):
file_list = os.listdir(folder_path)

img_file_name = self.path_template_img[self.path_template_img.rfind("/")+1:]

source_file = self.path_template_img
destination_file = folder_path + file_name

if(file_name[1:] in file_list):
figure = plt.figure()
ax1 = figure.add_subplot(121)
ax2 = figure.add_subplot(122)
ax1.title.set_text("Image-template non-enregistree")
ax2.title.set_text("Image deja enregistree")

saved_image = mpimg.imread(destination_file)
figure.suptitle("Une images-templates existe deja avec ce nom. Fermez la fenetre.")
answer = str(input("Une images-templates existe deja avec ce nom. La remplacer? O/N : "))
if(answer == "O"):
if( == "posix"):
os.popen("cp \"" + source_file + "\" \"" + destination_file+"\"")
elif( == "win32" or == "windows"):
os.popen("copy \"" + source_file + "\" \"" + destination_file + "\"")
print("Fichier non enregistre.\n")
if( == "posix"):
os.popen("cp \"" + source_file + "\" \"" + destination_file+"\"")
elif( == "win32" or == "windows"):
os.popen("copy \"" + source_file + "\" \"" + destination_file + "\"")

def save_template(self, folder_path, img_file_name, templ_file_name, extension):
"""folder_path is the absolute path of the folder"""
test_file_list = os.listdir(folder_path[:folder_path.rfind("/")+1])
if(folder_path[folder_path.rfind("/")+1:] not in test_file_list):

self.save_data_file(folder_path, templ_file_name, extension)
self.save_img_template(folder_path, img_file_name)

class Handwritten_Content():

def __init__(self, FilesNames):
self.images = [] = []
self.result = []
self.File_Names = FilesNames

def extract_handwritten_content(self, template_object, img_template_resized, img_scanned, ratio, offset):
if(img_template_resized.shape[0] < template_object.template_img.shape[0]):
ratio = 1/ratio

list_coord_data_objects = template_object.informations_template_objects
for boxes_list in list_coord_data_objects: # list of Coord_data objects
for box in #for each box
for coord in box: #for each coordinate
coord.affine(ratio, ratio, offset[1], offset[0])

for boxes_list in list_coord_data_objects:
if(boxes_list.type == 0): #if fully delimited
sentence = ocr.ocr_run(img_file=self.images[-1], FileNames=self.File_Names)
if sentence == 0:
sentence = ""
elif(boxes_list.type == 1): #if beginning delimited
xlimit = img_scanned.shape[1]-1
sentence = ocr.ocr_run(img_file=self.images[-1], FileNames=self.File_Names)
# elif(boxes_list.type == 2): #if exclusive box

if __name__ == "__main__":
#used for tests
template = Template_File()
#template.save_template("/home/inc0nnu-rol/Documents/La Gemme/OCR_paper_form/files", "/formulaire1", ".opdf")

print("Execution success")

+ 233
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bin/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy as scp

def levenshteinDistance(s1, s2):
if len(s1) > len(s2):
s1, s2 = s2, s1

distances = range(len(s1) + 1)
for i2, c2 in enumerate(s2):
distances_ = [i2+1]
for i1, c1 in enumerate(s1):
if c1 == c2:
distances_.append(1 + min((distances[i1], distances[i1 + 1], distances_[-1])))
distances = distances_
return distances[-1]

def unit_gaussian_filter(sigma):
"""Create and returns a 2D square gaussian filter"""
x_grid = np.linspace(-3*int(sigma+1),3*int(sigma+1), 6*int(sigma+1)+1)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x_grid, x_grid)
R = X*0
for i in range(0,R.shape[0]):
for j in range(0,R.shape[1]):
R[i,j] = 1 / (2*np.pi*sigma*sigma) * np.exp(-(X[i,j]*X[i,j] + Y[i,j]*Y[i,j]) / (2*sigma*sigma))
return R

def calculate_img_correlation(img1, img2):
"""Calculation of the correlation between the two images.
Produces a 2D map, and returns the maximum of it."""
if(img2.size > img1.size):
img2, img1 = img1, img2

#img_template = scp.signal.correlate2d(img1, img1, "same")
img_corr = scp.signal.correlate2d(img1, img2, "same")

# sum_template = np.sum(img_template)
# sum_test = np.sum(img_test)
# ratio = sum_template/sum_test
# img_test = img_test*ratio

# max_template = np.amax(img_template)
max_corr = np.amax(img_corr)
index = np.where(img_corr == max_corr)
# ratio_max = max_template/max_test

return max_corr, index

def otsu_algo(img):
"""Calculates the threshold between upper and lower values in an image.
Uses the Otsu algorithm and returns the lower threshold value."""
histo, edges = np.histogram(img, bins=255, range=(0,255))
sum_tot = np.sum(histo)
w = np.zeros(len(histo))
mu = np.zeros(len(histo))
w[0] = histo[0]
mu[0] = 1*histo[0]
for i in range(1,len(histo)):
w[i] = w[i-1] + histo[i]
mu[i] = mu[i-1] + (i+1)*histo[i]

w = w/sum_tot
mu = mu/sum_tot
muN = mu[len(histo)-1]

crit = np.zeros(len(histo))
for i in range(0,len(histo)):
crit[i] = w[i]*(muN-mu[i])*(muN-mu[i]) + (1-w[i])*mu[i]*mu[i]

max_crit = np.amax(crit)
place = np.where(crit == max_crit)
if(type(place) != int):
place = place[0]
thresh = int(np.floor(place[0]/len(histo)*np.amax(img)))
thresh = edges[thresh]
return thresh

def img_cells_zero(img_origin, img_gauss, threshold):
"""Switches off all the values of ing_gauss lower than the threshold in img_origin."""
for i in range(0,img_origin.shape[0]):
for j in range(0,img_origin.shape[1]):

def img_one_border_remove(img, start="begin", axis=0):
"""Find the limit of a black border in an image.
Use "begin" or "end" through the selected axis (0 or 1) to
find the limit from the upper/left or lower/right borders of the image.
Returns the index limit."""
add = 1
i = 0
add = -1
i = img.shape[axis-1]-1
axis_sum = np.sum(img, axis=axis)
while(axis_sum[i] == 0):
i = i+add
return i

def img_black_borders_remove(img):
"""Find the borders of an image and removes them."""
y_beg = img_one_border_remove(img)
x_beg = img_one_border_remove(img, axis=1)
y_end = img_one_border_remove(img, start="end")
x_end = img_one_border_remove(img, start="end", axis=1)
return img[x_beg:x_end, y_beg:y_end]

def resize(img, shape):
"""Resizes an image to a different shape with the bilinear method."""
img_final = np.zeros(shape)
y_vect = np.linspace(0, img.shape[0]-1, shape[0])
x_vect = np.linspace(0, img.shape[1]-1, shape[1])
for j in range(0,shape[0]):
for i in range(0,shape[1]):
y0 = int(np.floor(y_vect[j]))
y1 = int(np.ceil(y_vect[j]))
x0 = int(np.floor(x_vect[i]))
x1 = int(np.ceil(x_vect[i]))
x_coma = x_vect[i]-np.floor(x_vect[i])
y_coma = y_vect[j]-np.floor(y_vect[j])

img_final[j,i] = (1-x_coma)*(1-y_coma)*img[y0,x0] + (x_coma)*(1-y_coma)*img[y0,x1] + (1-x_coma)*(y_coma)*img[y1,x0] + (x_coma)*(y_coma)*img[y1,x1]
return img_final

def signal_processing_process(img_template, img_scanned):
img_gauss = scp.signal.correlate2d(img_scanned, unit_gaussian_filter(1.5), "same")
thresh = otsu_algo(img_gauss)
img_cells_zero(img_scanned, img_gauss, thresh)
im_trunc = img_black_borders_remove(img_scanned)
ratio = (img_template.shape[0]/im_trunc.shape[0], img_template.shape[1]/im_trunc.shape[1])

shape1 = (int(img_template.shape[0]/ratio[0]), int(img_template.shape[1]/ratio[0]))
shape2 = (int(img_template.shape[0]/ratio[1]), int(img_template.shape[1]/ratio[1]))

if(shape1[0] != shape2[0] or shape1[1] != shape2[1]):
img_final_1 = resize(img_template, shape1)
img_final_2 = resize(img_template, shape2)
max1, location1 = calculate_img_correlation(img_final_1, im_trunc)
max2, location2 = calculate_img_correlation(img_final_2, im_trunc)
if(max1 > max2):
img_final = img_final_1
ratio = ratio[0]
location = location1
img_final = img_final_2
ratio = ratio[1]
location = location2
offset = (img_final.shape[0]//2-location[0], img_final.shape[1]//2-location[1])
return img_final, im_trunc, ratio, offset

# to be tried:
# - delete black borders (gauss to highlight written content, blacken and delete what is not the paper)
# - resize with root method
# no rotation !

if __name__ == "__main__":
#used for tests
im1 = plt.imread("/home/inc0nnu-rol/Documents/La Gemme/OCR_paper_form/test.png")
im2 = plt.imread("/home/inc0nnu-rol/Documents/La Gemme/OCR_paper_form/test2.png")
im3 = plt.imread("/home/inc0nnu-rol/Documents/La Gemme/OCR_paper_form/test3.png")
im1 = (im1[:,:,0]+im1[:,:,1]+im1[:,:,2])*255//3
im2 = (im2[:,:,0]+im2[:,:,1]+im2[:,:,2])*255//3
im3 = (im3[:,:,0]+im3[:,:,1]+im3[:,:,2])*255//3

img_fin, ratios, offset = signal_processing_process(im1, im3)
# img_gauss = scp.signal.correlate2d(im3, unit_gaussian_filter(1.5), "same")
# thresh = otsu_algo(img_gauss)
# img_cells_zero(im3, img_gauss, thresh)
# im_trunc = img_black_borders_remove(im3)
# plt.imshow(im_trunc)
# ratio = (im1.shape[0]/im_trunc.shape[0], im1.shape[1]/im_trunc.shape[1])
# shape1 = (int(im1.shape[0]/ratio[0]), int(im1.shape[1]/ratio[0]))
# shape2 = (int(im1.shape[0]/ratio[1]), int(im1.shape[1]/ratio[1]))
# if(shape1[0] != shape2[0] or shape1[1] != shape2[1]):
# img_final_1 = resize(im1, shape1)
# img_final_2 = resize(im1, shape2)
# max1 = calculate_img_correlation(img_final_1, im_trunc)
# max2 = calculate_img_correlation(img_final_2, im_trunc)
# if(max1 > max2):
# img_final = img_final_1
# else:
# img_final = img_final_2

print(ratios, offset)

# Gauss = unit_gaussian_filter(1.5)
# im_template = scp.signal.correlate2d(im1, im1, "same")
# im_filt = scp.signal.correlate2d(im2, im_trunc, "same")
# plt.imshow(im_test)
# sum_template = np.sum(im_template)
# sum3 = np.sum(im_test)
# ratio = sum_template/sum3
# im_test = im_test*ratio
# max_template = np.amax(im_template)
# min_template = np.amin(im_template)
# max_im_test = np.amax(im_test)
# min_im_test = np.amin(im_test)
# ratio_max = max_template/max_im_test
# ratio_min = min_template/min_im_test
# index_max_template = np.where(im_template == np.amax(im_template))
# index_min_template = np.where(im_template == np.amin(im_template))
# index_max_im_test = np.where(im_test == np.amax(im_test))
# index_min_im_test = np.where(im_test == np.amin(im_test))

# Gauss = unit_gaussian_filter(5)
# plt.imshow(Gauss)
# print(np.sum(Gauss))

#max_index = (bla[0][0], bla[1][0])

+ 92
- 0 View File

@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import bin.caracter_recognition as cocr
import bin.signal_processing as ts
import bin.form_data_places as form

class FileNames:
template_object_name = "/template"
template_image_name = "/template_img.png"
template_extension = ".opdf"
general_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
scanned_path = general_path + "/scanned"
templates_path = general_path + "/templates"
ocr_model_path = general_path + "/OCR_model"

fn_model_path = general_path + "/OCR_model"
fn_dump_path = general_path + "/dump"
fn_char_list = general_path + "/OCR_model/charList.txt"
fn_summary = general_path + "/OCR_model/summary.json"
fn_corpus = general_path + "/data/corpus.txt"

def image_scanned_processing(scanned_img_path, template_path):
template_object_path = template_path + FileNames.template_object_name + FileNames.template_extension
template_img_path = template_path + FileNames.template_image_name

template_object = form.Template_File()
template_object.open_files(template_img_path, template_object_path)

scanned_img = plt.imread(scanned_img_path)
scanned_img = (scanned_img[:,:,0]+scanned_img[:,:,1]+scanned_img[:,:,2])*255//3

img_template_resized, img_scanned_trunc, ratio, offset = ts.signal_processing_process(template_object.template_img, scanned_img)

handwritten = form.Handwritten_Content(FileNames)
handwritten.extract_handwritten_content(template_object, img_template_resized, img_scanned_trunc, ratio, offset)
return handwritten

def menu():
print(" OCR_paper_form 0.1 terminal\nCree par Lilian RM pour la Gemme\n License MIT\n")
answer = int(input(" 1. Scanner formulaires\n 2. Creer modele\n 3. Modifier modele\n 4. Quitter\n->"))
while(answer != 4):
if(answer == 1):
template_list = os.listdir(FileNames.templates_path)
for i in range(0,len(template_list)):
print(i+1, template_list[i])
template_choice = int(input("Modele a utiliser : "))
template_path = FileNames.templates_path+"/"+template_list[template_choice-1]
# template_object = Template_File()
# template_files = os.listdir(template_path)
# if(FileNames.template_extension in template_files[0]):
# template_object.open_files(template_path+"/"+template_files[1], template_path+"/"+template_files[0])
# else:
# template_object.open_files(template_path+"/"+template_files[0], template_path+"/"+template_files[1])

print("Merci de verifier que tous les fichiers scannes sont:\n- en format PNG\n- dans le dossier interne \"scanned\" du logiciel\nSinon définissez le chemin complet a utiliser, ou appuyez sur Entree")
path = str(input("->"))
if(path != ""):
FileNames.scanned_path = path
file_list = os.listdir(FileNames.scanned_path)
handwritten = []
for img_file in file_list:
handwritten.append(image_scanned_processing(FileNames.scanned_path + "/" + img_file, template_path))
if(answer == 2):
template_object = form.Template_File()
add = "O"
while(add != "N"):
add = str(input("Ajouter une information? O/N : "))
template_object.save_template(FileNames.templates_path + "/" + template_object.template_name, FileNames.template_image_name, FileNames.template_object_name, FileNames.template_extension)
# if(answer == 3):
# template_list = os.listdir(FileNames.templates_path)
# for i in range(0,len(template_list)):
# print(i+1, template_list[i])
# template_choice = int(input("Modele a modifier : "))
# template_path = FileNames.templates_path+"/"+template_list[template_choice-1]

answer = int(input("\n 1. Scanner formulaires\n 2. Creer modele\n 3. Modifier modele\n 4. Quitter\n->"))

print("Execution success")

if __name__ == "__main__":
